In case if you are already involved in international marketing or are considering
this, the Internet is the ideal global marketing tool.
The factors that you will need to consider when developing your web
site for an international market are:
Audience - Who are you trying to reach
Local Search Engines
National Domain Names (.hu, .de, .fr or .com)
Law and taxes
ArtSiter Media offer a number of services to support
your international Internet marketing activities, including translation,
advice on domain name choice, web hosting and the appropriate web
promotion strategies.
Artsiter Media is now
a member of Artamax Creative Design Group
budget website design professional website design create launching promotion and engines submission Budapest Hungary Design launching promotion, hosting, engines, marketing, registration submission advertising, banner domain name hungary advertising agency animation business design effective engines help interactive internet marketing presentations print registration search services support website world advertising agency animation business design effective engines help interactive internet marketing presentations print registration search services support website advertising agency animation business design effective engines help interactive internet marketing presentations print registration search services support website world