ArtSiter Media Homepage Promotion
Site Design and Launching, Budapest, Hungary
Web site launching, web design, promotion, search engines submission, hosting Web site launching, web design, promotion, search engines submission, hosting

Banner Ads

What makes a banner ad click-worthy?
Start with the standard specifications, then apply your sense of design and productions skills. If you think that sounds easy, think again. Creating an effective and professional banner ad requires time, experience and patience.
As in any form of communication, your banner ads should be designed with your audience in mind.

There are many ways to decide what your banner should say and how should it look, but remember:

  • Animated graphics work better than static ones.
  • Using words like "Free" and "Click Here" generates more click-throughs.
  • Posing questions seems to attract more attention.
  • Bright colors work better than pastels.
Browse through our examples below and order your banner!

No matter what you decide to go with, we will always provide you with several professionally designed samples of completed work to choose from.

Additionally, to get free advertising for your site and increase your traffic join MyFreeBanner network and become visible for free on hundreds of sites around the world!

Web site launching, web design, promotion, search engines submission, hosting

Artsiter Media is now a member of Artamax Creative Design Group

WebPromocio - search engine optimization, marketing, search engine promotion and submission firm


  Since 1998. Artamax Studio | | Contact Us | Magyarul
WebPromocio - search engine optimization, marketing, search engine promotion and submission firm

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